Investment management with TYPO3

"The German Investment Funds Association BVI is the point of contact for politicians and supervisory authorities on all issues related to the German Capital Investment Code (Kapitalanlagegesetzbuch, KAGB), and represents the interests of investment fund management companies."

Investment management with TYPO3


The BVI (Bundesverband Investment und Asset Management eV) represents the interests of the German fund industry on a national and international level.

Its currently 78 main members (including: Allianz, Commerzbank, German Bank, DWS, Deka, UBS, or their respective investment companies and portfolio managers) manage approximately 2 trillion euros in public funds, special funds and asset management mandates. The members manage directly or indirectly the capital of 50 million private clients in 21 million households.

BVI is also: Competence Centre, central Contact for politics and enforces improvements for fund-investors. The BVI`s investor education programmes support students and citizens to improve their financial knowledge.

Investment funds offer many benefits

The concept of funds really started to make an impact in Germany after World War II. Since the 1990s, investment volumes have increased ten-fold, with fund companies now managing assets of some EUR 2.7 trillion as trustees for their clients.

Investment companies have been firmly established as a mainstay of the German financial services industry alongside banks and insurance companies. Investments in funds offer numerous advantages and options.

Fund industry as an important economic factor

Investment companies are an extremely important economic force in Germany. They are a key element of the country as a financial centre and actively shape and develop its regulations and standards. They account for 16,000 jobs directly and an additional 300,000 jobs indirectly, primarily in distribution, but also in legal practices, agencies and consultancies.

Galleria & Caratteristiche

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