Responsive e-business and multishop with TYPO3

""With T3CMS and the MultiShop Extension, we have got a solution that fully meets our high standards and expectations." Kenneth Lindegaard, Head of Business IT - Carlsberg Denmark A/S"

Responsive e-business and multishop with TYPO3


Carlsberg was founded by J. C. Jacobsen, a philanthropist and avid art collector. With his fortune he amassed an impressive art collection which is now housed in the Ny Carlsberg Glyptotek in central Copenhagen. The first brew was finished on 10 November 1847, and the export of Carlsberg beer began in 1868 with the export of one barrel to Edinburgh, Scotland.


Carlsberg's tagline "Probably the best beer in the world" was created in 1973 by Saatchi and Saatchi for the UK market. It began to appear in company corporate ads around the world from the 1980s onwards until it was replaced in 2011 in most regions by new tagline "That calls for a Carlsberg". The voice over for the original ad in 1975 was voiced by actorOrson Welles, his voice has been used repeatedly over the years. The Canadian-born voice-over artist Bill Mitchell was also used when hiring Orson Welles became too expensive. In some countries the tagline has been adapted to "Probably the best lager in the world".


The Carlsberg Denmark official webshop for ordering beer includes the latest version of the Multishop module administered with user frontend editing directly on the page. The solution is full reponsive to optimize to work on PC , tablets and smartphones. Touch based imageslider that adapts to the user's screen resolution and ajax based shopping cart, helping to make mobile user experience better and with one-step check-out.

Galleria & Caratteristiche

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