TYPO3 Website Relaunch

"FVA GmbH makes gears run. "

TYPO3 Website Relaunch


FVA GmbH was founded in 2010 and has been involved in the research and development of drive technology products and services since that time, giving it an industry-wide lead. The company cooperates closely with top German researchers and has been internationally successful. The company's core competencies are the development of calculation and simulation platforms for drive technology, professional service and support as well as the holding of specialist seminars and congresses. FVA GmbH is a joint venture of Forschungsvereinigung Antriebstechnik e.V. and Verband Deutscher Maschinen- und Anlagebau e.V. (German Engineering Federation).


Since the client's website was running on an outdated TYPO3 version, the task was to relaunch the website. A relaunch with the t3quick package with TYPO3 version 8.7 was commissioned. The client requested editorial changes to the background colour for various grids.


The relaunch was implemented with t3quick. This was implemented exclusively in the project team by front-end developers, without layout. Adaptation of the front end in the header and footer area as well as in colours and font were carried out and the website was extended by multi-language capability. In addition, the seminar extension for FVA was updated and adapted to customer specifications. The project was implemented with PHP 7.2.

Consulting and TYPO3 editor support were provided. The design is based on t3quick and was slightly adapted. Most of the requirements were implemented within two months. The customer afterwards maintained his data himself.

Galleria & Caratteristiche

dkd Internet Service GmbH

dkd - The TYPO3 and Shopware experts! // delivering digital value //

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