Responsive Website Relaunch

"“MHK” is the online portal of the MHK Group, one of the very largest purchasing and service association groups in Europe."

Responsive Website Relaunch


Almost 40 years ago, in 1980, Hans Strothoff founded the MHK Verbundgruppe in Frankfurt am Main. The best-known brand to date is musterhaus küchen Fachgeschäft. Today the MHK Group is a modern service company and one of the leading European communities for the qualified medium-sized kitchen and furniture trade. On the portal MHK prospective customers can let themselves be inspired and agree upon a consulting date in one over 1.000 attached partner kitchen studios. More than a million satisfied customers speak for themselves.


The existing website “” had to be migrated from an existing content management system to TYPO3. In addition, several interfaces were to be adopted, such as the online kitchen planner.

A shop for exhibition kitchens was also planned, but is yet to come.

This process was to be agile in order to incorporate current trends, optimizations and new ideas.


Technically the site is based on the dkd standard package of TYPO3 version 8.7 and was rebuilt from scratch. The frontend is based on Bootstrap 4 with grid elements. dkdeploy was set up on the customer infrastructure together with GitLab and Jenkins.

Technical features:

  • Wizard: Bootstrap-Modal content element with predefined number of questions.
  • Contact path: Page loaded via Ajax, which can be accessed across all pages.
  • Geo localized Ajax search: Distributor finder

Galleria & Caratteristiche

dkd Internet Service GmbH

dkd - The TYPO3 and Shopware experts! // delivering digital value //

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