TYPO3 8.7.51 and 9.5.40 ELTS Released

Still sticking to an older version of TYPO3? Today, 8.7.51 and 9.5.40 have been released. Staying on top of maintenance updates should be a top priority - Gain peace of mind by opting for one of TYPO3 GmbH’s Extended Support offers!

Hat Tip to TYPO3 Coders - January 2023

Each month, we take the opportunity to celebrate contributors in our Developer Appreciation Day post. Please take a moment to share gratitude for their continued passion, commitment, and time they give to making TYPO3 CMS awesome.

2022 - what a year!

We take a look at the events and experiences of the last year. Events started to take place in person again and in October we released TYPO3 v12.

Coders' Corner: December 2022

Each month, we take the opportunity to celebrate contributors in our Developer Appreciation Day post. Please take a moment to share gratitude for their continued passion, commitment, and time they give to making TYPO3 CMS awesome.